Saturday 26 November 2011

Free Tunes

So apparently, the new thing for independent musicians is to give away their albums for free digital download. This is interesting to me because when Cory last visited Toronto we were talking at length about the end of the album sale. To be honest, now that I've given it some more thought, I think this is pretty much where the industry is going.

This is bad news for big time musicians and labels but kind of good news for independent musicians. The only real way to make money as an artist now is by touring or selling your music for corporate purposes (yucky). But the relative cheapness of digital download (once the music is recorded, it doesn't cost the artist any more money to give the tunes away online) means that many artists now are offering their albums for free download and in return asking simply that you share it on Facebook/Twitter etc. This way they get their music to a bigger audience and hopefully sell more tickets to their next show. HMMM, very interesting. I took grade 11 economics (which apparently nobody at any record company ever did) so I recognize the power of cost and demand, and lets be realistic, nobody is going to demand MP3s they have to pay for when you can download them for free (granted, illegally, but we all know there is no real retribution for illegal downloads, and I am just as guilty as the next person for taking advantage of this fact).

So, I thought I'd share with you some independent Canadian albums I've downloaded this week (legally!)

Old Man Luedecke -His latest EP "Sing all About it." I loooovveee him so much. In my eyes, he can do no wrong. He is easily one of the best banjo players in Canada and based on his immense talent for writing, I will even go so far as to say he is one of the best song writers in Canada too. I've listened to "Sing all about it" a couple times and so far I'd say its a little more country than his other stuff which is maybe more folky. Go download this album and then buy all his other albums. There is a reason why this guy won a Juno. He also puts on a thoroughly entertaining live show.

The Darcys These  guys are obviously awesome based on their name. I saw them play in Halifax (unfortunately at Gus' Pub, which has the worst sound in probably the whole of the Maritimes, plus it is like Mecca for Halifax Hipsters, ugghhhh) but they are pretty kick ass live. I went upto them after the show and I was all "I AM IN A BAND CALLED THE MISS BENNETS ISN'T THAT FANTASTIC?" They agreed.

Dan Griffin "Leave your Love" Definitely, definitely download this. If you don't know, Dan is the keys in the Arkells. If you don't know who the Arkells are... then I guess I should ask you how you are enjoying the hole you inhabit? We saw Dan play solo a million years ago, I think in like second year, so 2008? Emily was visiting Kingston and we went to a kegger at Sonia's brothers apartment down on Princess and there was this band there and it was Dan Griffin. Back then we didn't know who the Arkells were so we definitely didn't know that Dan was in the band. Anyways, his solo stuff is absolutely beautiful, well written solid tunes. One of my favourites is "East Coast" which unfortunately isn't on this album. "Stars and Satellites" is included though, and that is another favourite. I am also quickly falling for one of the new songs "Lorne Park".

So go on and download these free tunes and then pass it along to other music lovers with great taste :)

Sparkle and Shine

Alright so everyone has been all, "blah blah Angela write in your blog more blah blah blah" Um OK finish my final projects for me??!! But since you asked for it and since I need a break from designing the website for The Church of Transfiguration's stained glass (it is pretty though) >>
Here is a post about nails. As you probably know, Claire and I have entered the hell period of the school year. Consequently, we've taken the necessary precautions against losing our f-ing minds by stocking up on a) snacks b) assorted caffeinated beverages and c) pretty new nail polish !!

During busy periods of school, I particularly like sparkly/glittery polishes because when I lose track of what I'm trying to write I just kind of zone out and stare at my hands and wave my fingers around for 5...10 minutes or so.

So I went to the Trade Secrets on Bloor near the No Frills and I got the two pink polishes from Zoya's Gems and Jewels collection. OMG!! They are absolutely amazing. Izzy is really pretty on its own, but with Kissy on top, it is crazy fun. Kissy is described as "A glitter that combines red, pink, purple and hologram particles with unique bar glitter. A glitzy shade that can be worn alone or layered to add sparkle to your manicure." Yeah, you heard right, UNIQUE GLITTER BAR. Does your polish have glitter bars? No? Yeah I didn't think so.

Photo doesn't even do it justice

I also tried Teenage Dream from the Katy Perry OPI collection over two of my nails, which looks really neat too. And FYI on each nail I have one coat of Izzy and two coats of sparkle.
Find the rest of the collection on their web page  

Sunday 13 November 2011

I'm Back!

Hey all! I'm returning to the blogosphere after an unintentional hiatus due to the unfortunate accidental death of my macbook, who abruptly left this earth for the open arms of angel-Steve Jobs. That, and school has been kicking my ass. I'm finishing off my federal funding application and right now I just need to write something else that isn't self promoting, "please give me 17 000 dollars because I am a genius and sooo awesome, kay?"

Yesterday, turned into an unexpectedly awesome day. I had intended to spend way more time hitting the books but, for better or worse, my first love of music was calling to me and I just couldn't ignore it.

Since Cory was visiting from Halifax this week, him and Claire and I have been jamming a little bit and working on some covers for fun and we decided to go play the Saturday afternoon open mic at a pub called McKenzie's by High Park station. Cute little pub, nice owners and quite busy. The guy running the open mic ( I didn't catch his name) was really friendly, and quite a good performer as well. They run the open mic from 2-6 and they're pretty excited to see new performers. We only played three songs but you could definitely get away with 6 or more. As far as sound goes, they only had one mic set up, but since it was only Claire and I singing, that was fine and Claire's fiddle is loud enough that we didn't need to mic it.

We played three covers, The Ransom- Madison Violet, Landslide- Stevie Nicks and Wagon Wheel- Old Crow Medicine Show

It was the first time we've ever played Wagon Wheel live and it totally kicked ass! I can't get enough of that song, I've listened to it a hundred times and I'm still not sick of it. Its a total boot-stomping sing-a-long. My favourite version of it is by Matt Andersen, who is easily one of the best guitarists in Canada and has the most delicious deep bluesy voice.

I've watched a ton of his videos online and every time he blows my mind. He also inspired me to learn to play Bruce Springsteen's "I'm on fire" so thats the next thing we'll be performing I hope.

Anyways, its always a pleasure to play music with Cory, especially since he's such a great guitar player that nobody notices me fudging my way along on the acoustic. I'm so excited for Courtney's visit and we'll definitely organize some sort of TMB performance for our friends in Toronto. I'm incredibly happy that we've started making music again. I didn't have the heart to work on anything all summer cause I missed my bandmates too much and this fall has been so hectic we've barely been able to find the time.

After our performance we were all so riled up, that we decided to head to the Dakota Tavern.  The Dakota is a country bar, down at Ossington and Dundas. I've been wanting to check it out for the last four years and now that I finally live near to it, I can.
Dakota stage- Not my photo

We didn't even know who was playing, we just hoped we'd see/hear a good performance. Well we totally lucked out! The opener called Harlan Pepper, was a baby-faced band (they just turned 19) but they play country/rock/bluegrass like they are seasoned veterans of the road. Their live performance was the kind rip-roaring old time music that makes you start to dance whether you want to or not.

I seriously just want to pinch their cheeks pat them on the head and tell them to give me a call when they're old enough to grow beards.

Alright, back to my academic endeavours,